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Gift Writing

What was your favorite Christmas gift as a child? Growing up in a home where my parents had seven to nine mouths to feed at any given time—by the time the last child was born the oldest had left home—and with a very a limited budget, holidays were difficult at times....

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STOP building that social platform. DO this first.

STOP the presses. Forget those social platforms. There’s something else you need to do first to build your readership.       In the last blog, I shared about how writers build a body with our God-given imagination. We create individuals, families and...

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Build a Body

Everyone has creativity. It’s built into our DNA. Analytical types focus on mathematical equations or scientific discoveries, things that are innovative at their core. Others paint, act, dance or sing, because their genetic makeup pushes them toward the arts. Like...

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Water on the brain

Water comes in three forms: solid, liquid and gas. As a writer I can go through all three states within minutes as I stare at my computer trying to create a complete sentence.     Not just any sentence. One that might inspire or evoke an emotional response....

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Facebook and Aging

For the past few years, I have been moaning about getting older. Someone should have warned me about the plethora of unexpected emotional, physical and mental changes that occur. If nothing else, I would have appreciated a small hint about the process.    ...

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A Wallet and Mother Theresa

I stood by a van emitting the delectable scent of roast pork sandwiches smothered with applesauce. As I waited for my order, a wheelchair-bound, elderly man rolled up beside me, his mouth slightly askew as if he’d suffered a stroke.     “Where are you from?”...

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#Fast and Furious

What happens when your "drive has dried up?"   I love fancy cars. So in watching the "#FastandFurious" films, I get the adrenaline of the drive without the danger of a potentially disastrous crash.     Sure these movies are corny, but we can learn at...

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People you never knew but perhaps know better than others

Irene Onorato. She and I have a lot in common (click her photo to find her on Amazon). Both of us are New Yorkers. We love pizza. Is there a New Yorker who doesn’t? Those two things instantly bonded us when we met a few years ago…     But we have even a...

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What’s THE man have to say?

Even men read romance. Scroll below to view the video of one man's opinion of a particular historic novel. Bear in mind, this man might be a bit prejudiced.   Every good read has a antagonist, a foe of devious character and unpredictable behavior. They want...

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Who’s that?

I have had the privilege of meeting a few famous people in my lifetime. But one of the absolute highlights has been drinking champagne with #JackBlack on the #London Eye. We weren’t alone in our glass bubble, though.     Jack Black is well known for his role...

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