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Recently, I was looking for a photo of our two children when they were younger. Swept along memory lane and traveling slowly back in time, I flipped through all the pictures. The first one that I set aside was one of the four of us.





Then I came across one of myself, and our son, Jamie, who was about two at the time. A bond exists between a mother and son that’s different than a boy shares with his father. And it is even unlike the one between a mother and her daughters. Sons must be raised to become men, yet learn the ideals of love and forgiveness without compromising their manhood.




Princess Diana was known to have said this about her sons: “I will fight for my children on any level so they can reach their potential as human beings.” And I agree with her wholeheartedly.






I used to call Jamie my co-pilot because he always rode in the front seat when his dad was away from home. Jamie’s job was to read the map since those were the days before GPS. Even through those experiences, he was learning to become a man. But he was also a precocious, smart child who even at a young age decided he liked pushing the boundaries we set.




We had hired a babysitter for him one evening, and Jamie decided that he wanted to stay up longer than we permitted. Without the sitter’s knowledge, he moved all the clocks in the house back one hour in order to get his own way. When we returned home, he was just getting ready for bed, and we discovered the “plot of the clock” that he had so cleverly devised.








Our son is now a father with his own two children and with his God-given, creative personality performs as an actor.
Visit his website:








Even in Victorian times, mothers and sons held a special bond although more often than not, a son was sent to boarding school at an early age.


James and Clare Blackwell—Bethel Manor Reborn—now have a child, George Andrew.

He is the apple of his father’s eye and his mother’s heartbeat. Clare loves to sing a sweet lullaby as she holds him in her arms.






But tragedy strikes and the relationship between Clare and her son is put to a test. Will their family survive the difficulties and will baby George be reunited with his mother? Read Bethel Manor Reborn and find out.

If you would like to read more about Mothers and Sons click here: Or if you are looking for the perfect mother/son wedding song this just might be it: